Wednesday, November 21, 2007

What is Business Credit

What is Business Credit?

Business Credit can be referred to as many
things, one of them being Trade
Credit. Trade or Business Credit is the single
largest source of credit
and bartering on terms in the world so far,
vastly out-seeding personal
credit. We all know what a FICO score is and the
algorithms used by Fair
Issac, and in general everyone knows that when
making a large personal
purchase, a score over 700 is considered good.
Based upon that score, we
all know if we are going to get approved for
personal credit products
running the gamut from credit cards to homes.

What is truly amazing is that business owners do
not know their Paydex
score. Business credit is almost exactly like
personal credit. When you
start a business and structure it correctly, it
is a separate, living,
breathing entity that has its own credit and it
will outlive you as the
primary principle or share holder. It certainly
dumbfounds us at Fastrack
Credit why 9 out of 10 businesses fail due to
cash flow issues especially
when given basic common knowledge of business
credit scores.

Would you EVER in a million years buy a home and
not have the foggiest idea
as to your FICO score? Perhaps 5 years ago you
didn't know, but this is
the Internet age of unlimited information and
there is simply no excuse to
not fully take advantage of the cash flow
enhancements using a separate
credit profile for your business offers.

Secondly, and almost as important, heaven forbid
you are one of the 90
percent who don't make it when starting your
business. Why in the world
would you put you and your family as risk to lose
everything? Every single
day members sign up because they previously had
good personal credit and
leveraged every last penny to build their
business. They simply did not
have the cash flow to sustain until they reached
their dreams. Nothing is
more heartbreaking! As entrepreneurs, it is in
all our spirit to try and
try again until we do succeed and these hard
lessons only make us stronger.
I personally employ you that even if you do not
join the Fastrack program,
get incorporated and use your business credit
instead of personal so you
can make it.

I was in the same situation. As an all-star
office supply sales
representative in 2001 I decided that it was time
to take my accounts with
me in the advent of the Internet age.

As a tried and true sales person, experienced and
well-versed in my craft,
it was not too difficult to build a nationwide
company. What I did not
know was the absolute most important issue in
building a business or being
a real entrepreneur. That issue is credit and
cash flow. When clients
didn't pay on time, I could not pay on time and
that was a harsh lesson for
me and my own personal credit. If my company was
going to sell hundreds of
thousands in office supplies every month, I HAD
to have trade credit!

Thus began the journey into helping literally
thousands of start-ups all
the way through to well-established Fortune 10000
companies. Today we have
the most intensive research staff that seek out
and explore the latest and
hottest ways to legally strengthen, build, grow
and establish a separate
business entity.

There are two main ways business credit can help
you. First, we get you
approved online for credit cards instantly NOT
using your social security
number. These simple credit cards translate into
cash flow, whether it be
for Dell computers or office supplies.

The second way we can help is sometimes industry
specific, but it is the
real design of trade credit. If I am a
construction company and want to
bid a job and take a deposit, how do I get my
materials? It is so simple
and basic. If I am a clothing company or store,
and I want to get all my
hot new items for the Christmas season that I
know will sell WITHOUT using
my credit cards or anything that is tied to my
personal line of credit, how
do I do this? Just have the wholesaler or
manufacturer finance you.
Everyone knows what NET-30 billing is, but it is
incredulous that with a
little attention and a few hundred dollars, you
can increase your credit
lines with trade credit 100-fold!

You can have the purchasing and trade credit
leverage of companies that are
ten times the size you might be now.

How can you possibly even think about starting or
growing a business and
expect to be successful without having or knowing
your business credit
score. That is our mission - to help as many as
possible to really make it
to their dreams and guide them through one of the
most simple, yet most
important aspect of their business - Cash Flow.

If you are in desperate need of money to stay
afloat, I hope we can help
you. There is no other service or place on the
planet that has more
insider information or real assistance the way
Fastrack does. If you are
building your business, don't be crazy. KNOW you
credit scores, PAY your
bills on-time, and LEARN how to create the
business credit of a company
PRO-actively. Better yet, don't use any personal
credit, family money,
venture capital - start your business using
business credit and grow it

If you see the need for Business Credit as an
Entrepreneur, Fastrack is the
definitive answer. We have become the largest
service of our kind in the
world. We hope to empower you and grow with you,
giving you increasingly
KNOWLEDGEABLE and ETHICAL insider information on
what banks to use, what to
do and how to do it. Rest assured we are
profitable, and we are truly the
only service that is taking your membership fees
to empower our knowledge
base. There is a HUGE difference between us and
the handful of other
companies that our out to make as much money as

You will see us grow whether or not you join our
service. But we sincerely
hope that in taking the time to read this, you
will join us and understand
the importance of this aspect of your business.
The most important aspect
to success is . . . . CASH FLOW. Who in their
right mind would EVER buy a
home and not know EXACTLY their FICO score? What
is YOUR Paydex? Do you
even have one yet and how fast can you get one?

One more thing, Get a Plum Card, I did!


To Join and Begin the Fastrack Credit Building
Service click here...

To read the frequently asked question click

Friday, August 10, 2007


Types of Grants or Assistance

Grants & Subsidies : One-time & renewable grants and subsidies when you receive this money, you don't have to pay it back. It's yours to use under the terms of the grant. The Government provides billions a year to aid Canadian product innovation. They also realize that some areas are more in need of economic development support than other areas. In order to support business expansion they allot billions a year to aid businesses to build & expand in areas all over Canada that need economic support. The greatest thing about these programs rests in the fact that once you are granted the money it is not uncommon to be able to get more grants from the same agency because you meet their program requirements.

Loans : Low- or no- interest loans are available to small businesses, & you may also be eligible for no-interest loans. These are repayable over a set period of time, but you pay back only the original principal. The government provides many options for financial assistance through financial agencies.

Tax refunds or tax credits: These programs offer a break at tax time which can free up your business cash flow. An area that is largely over looked by small business and the general public.
Awards: A presentation of an item of monetary value to a person or group persons for recognition of somebody's merit or an achievement in their field.
Apprenticeship/Mentor programs: Students earn an income while learning their trade. Skilled trades offer apprenticeship programs. Mentor Programs are offered by professionals in media, business, and education.

Bursary: Is an award of any monetary value given to a student on the basis of demonstrated financial need. Additional selection criteria may also be used.

Scholarships: Funds used to pay for higher education that do not have to be repaid. Scholarships are often awarded on criteria such as academics, achievements, hobbies, talents, group affiliations, or career aspirations.

Rebate: Rebate programs offer a percent of money back after the upgrade has been completed or the equipment has been purchased.

Government Insurance against business risks: With the backing of government insurance (available for low premiums or even no premiums), you may borrow money from a bank much more easily. Guaranteed government purchases of your product or service: An order of this sort guarantees cash flow, builds customer confidence in your business, & improves your chances of private financing.

Government Information & Services: These programs can offer many things that have monetary value & can help you build & grow your business. Some are training programs others let you use government consultants to build vision like a business plan. These are very worthwhile programs & are generally offered to anyone who is registering a business. These services are especially useful to start-up ventures.

Access to Resources: Sometimes equipment & facilities need to develop or research a product are far beyond your businesses capabilities to access through the government you may gain access to expertise, resources & facilities that are state of the art.

Conditionally Repayable Contribution: It's like a venture capitalist investing in your company but only wanting return on investment if your project is successful & makes you profit.

Grants in-lieu of Property Taxes: In many areas the government offers a break on property taxes to encourage investment. It is like getting the money as a grant since you would have had to pay it back otherwise.

Equity Financing: It's the government investing in your company but they are less anxious about the return on the investment so there is less pressure on you to deliver profits to them.

Relocation Grants: In some areas there are special funds made available for relocating your business.


Saturday, August 4, 2007

How to write a Grant-Winning Proposal

How to Write a Grant-Winning Proposal
Tips for Writing a Successful Grant Proposal
2003-11-01 v5n10 Ready to learn more?


Once you know what money you want to go for and how you're going to present your case, you've got to make sure they read it -- and you convince them. Here are some tips

1. While everyone who is involved with the project should contribute information, input, and criticism -- stick with one good writer. This keeps the style consistent while making sure you include all key information.

2. Write in plain language. Bureaucrats are people, too! Keep it simple and clear. Drop any industry jargon and acronyms. Have someone outside your industry review it for clarity.

3. Keep it short. Long-winded, rambling proposals will lose your reader's interest and send them reaching for the next in the stack.

4. Keep things energetic and positive. This doesn't mean cramming your proposal with flowery adjectives. But point to strengths and ways to counter weaknesses. Use active verbs -- "We'll market to plumbers" is more powerful than "Our market will be plumbers". And vary sentence length to keep things moving.

The Small Business Funding Center grants permission to reproduce this article in its entirety only, with credit given to the Small Business Funding Center at

You can call us directly at 1-800-591-1266 , or e-mail us for information on Canadian government grants and loans for your new or existing small business.
You can also write us at: Small Business Funding Centre, 1500 Bank Street, Room 425, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1H 1B8.